Monday, August 16, 2010

5 Months Old and Cousin Ryan's Visit!

It is hard to believe that your little boy is now 5 months old. He was 5 months on the 10th and is growing so fast. He is now 19 pounds and gaining. He is now able to sit up by himself along with the rolling over. The next thing we know he will be crawling. He loves to eat. He is eating solids twice a day and loves everything that we have given him. He is such a happy little boy and is smiling and laughing all the time.

A couple of weeks ago we had a cousin come to visit us that we had not seen in 13 years. My family and I really enjoyed seeing him. Noah was also glad to meet Ryan, too!

Noah and Ryan hanging out

My family took Ryan tubing and Noah and I joined then. Turner was sad that he was not able to come. He was on a youth retreat for work. We had a great time. Noah stayed with Grandma while we were all on the river.

Our family with Ryan before going down the river!

We are all ready to go!

Noah hanging out with Grandma waiting for us to return.

We had a wonderful time with Ryan and hope that it will not be another 13 years before we are able to see him again. Thanks Ryan for coming and we love you!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rolling Over!

Noah decided to roll over for the first time today! He was not very happy as you will see but he did it. We were very excited and he has rolled over a couple more times today. Here is a video that we were able to get to share with everyone!